Wednesday, July 27, 2005

KD, Llano, Tx

I got to talk to some people today. They were very nice. I think that we are building a story relationship with the eis guys. They see us everyday! Thanks and God Bless! Remember to pray for iran!

BD, Gail Tx

Today was so awesome. We all had to split up and do this thing called LTG- Life Transformation group. JW, LJ and I were in a group and got eis in the mall to do ours. We ended up doing it for like 3 hours! We got to have conversations with the guys at the counter and they wateched as we fellowshiped and discipled each other. An old man sat in the table next to us by himself for the whole 3 hours. He kept looking at us and listening to us and glancing curiously atour booklets. He sat there smoking and listening to us for the whole 3 hours! We prayed a LOT. We also developed further relationships with the ladies at the potato place. We will meet them again for eis tomorrow. We also talked with a guy from Africa and asked to pray for him. We then had communion in the middle of the train station, wine glass and table cloth and everything (grape juice of course!) LJ said that when Jesus had the last supper he had it with the people closes to him-- his disciples, and not the huge crowd he had probably talked to that day.. it was intimate. People pased by and saw. The bread was turkish and awesome. Try it sometime!

SS, Dimmitt, Tx

Today started off slow in my eyes. But after sitting down, praying and refocusing on the spiritual, Holy Spirit led me to the grandmother and children that I met on monday. Then after they left we met a man from W. Africa that was babysitting his nieces and nephews. He and the grandmother are supposed t meet us again tomorrow. Also wer have a meeting planned for Friday with a young lady we met at dinner!!!

J.E. Buffalo

I´m supposed to write what God showed me today. Well here goes.. When I try to go on my own and lead my life nothing happens. Today started of not so good because I was trying to do things my way. Finally I sat down and prayed and started listening. By the end of the day me adn 3 others had made 2 appointments to meet poeple tomorrow and Friday. When I let God run the show goot things happen. Then in HC we had communion while sitting on the floor of a train station, it was cool. So my day included a bunch of PR and God working. And last nighzt the German girls came to our church and I ate with them this morning and we are eating tomorrow morning. Im out.

J.H. Christoval

Today was cool. We played soccer again, but they still dont speak english. We took pictures with the Polizei. We are going to meet with someone on Friday and talk Bahnhof.

JW, Nacagdoches, Tx

Today on the train to the ota (our park) I started a conversation with a lady. She had been to San Diego. She knew perfect english. Totally awesome. I was like... this is going to be a great day. Then I thought at HC (house church) and then BD and LJ and I went to an eis shop to have our LTG (life transformation group) We stazed there for 3 hours. But we discipled . Which is what we were told to do today. Then we talked to some girls at a restaurant we have building a relationshp with. And then LJ and BD needed to go to the restroom, and in Germany they have a person to clean and take money. I started a conversation with him. he was from west africa. When we were fixing to leave I asked if i could pray for him and he asked why would we pray for him. He said I don't need money because money isnt everything. He wanted good health so he could make money and provide for his family. His name is Boat.


C.O. Plains

Today started out pretty bad. Just at the beginning though. We couldnt find anyone to talk to. But we met up with the others and prayed. The rest of the day turned out to great. It´s a long story but it was awesone. We hads the Lord´s supper tonight. Good night mom. Hope you didnt mind the 1:35 call this morning. Rick Im sorry I dont have your number or I would call you too.

A.G. Albany

Today the question was what God has shown you. I feel like God has shown me that through everything God has a purpose for me always and I just have to wait and listen and Hell tell me.

WB, Baytown Tx

Hey all yall. We had a great day. We played soccer for about 4 hours with some German kids. We are meeting with a girl from a potato shop. Weäve eaten there for 3 days now. Bye. Love yall

J.F. San Angelo

God taught me today that its not about me, its about Him. I´ve known that but what happened today put a new light on it.