Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Today was another great day! I met a subsititute teacher, some more kids and a couple of college students. It was great to meet some people that spoke English, but even when they didn't, it was still fun! I made some new contancts, and hopefully they come to the picnic! I couldn't get ahold of my Starbucks friend and that was kind of sad, but I'll try tomorrow! It was amazing, adult Germans were just walking up to me and asking questions in English. SOme great things are at work! Thanks for the pr! We're feeling it! :-D
CS Ardmore, Silver
God just really displayed HIs omnipotence and omniscence to me today! I was getting discouraged because 2 times I had attempted to talk to people and one time the language indered and the 2nd, the lady was busy! I decided it would be good to prayer walk! About the second time around, I was truly feeling uplifted and out of no where as we were praying, this guy came up to us and asked me a question which immediately sparked about an hour conversation with two German guys! Overall, I just realized that God, in His still, small voice was telling me to wait! So praying, I refocused on HIm and his timeing and brought an opportunity to me!
BL, Chicasha
Hey everyone! OMG! Today was an amazing day!! At first everyone that we talked to were either busy or couldn't speak English. But our JSI and TL told us not to be discouraged so we prayer walked and God gave me the opportunity to share with 3 people! All of them seemed very interested! God is Awesome! I love you all, and miss you but I know this is where I am supposed to be! Oh yeah. Silver team is the best.
Well todday was fun too. I didn't talk to many people as i did yesterday, but i read my bible and prayed more. Today for me was more relaxing which felt good. But from today you learn to not get easily discouraged, to nogt give up-- but you should always do your best and work the hardest whenever possible.
JA Pawnell
Well it is the end of day 2 for me. Another amazing day. Today I had the chance to talk to a few families and it was totally awesome. The Lord is doing great things and is deffinatley at work over here in Germany. Well I miss everyone and cant wait to see you. Lots of love
A.S Bartlesville OK
Today was pretty ok. I talked a bunch of people. Last night I talked to a bunch of teens at the H. It's so sad to think that in 3 days I have to leave. I really feel called to Germany.
K.S Claremore
Hey all- Make my 1st day contacts today. One lady was from down under. THe other lady was a Jehovah Witness and asked me and E my (TL) to go to her house for coffee. Yah... and were probably going, so pray for us. Especially since I don't drink coffee! Love everyone.