Friday, July 28, 2006
JK- Greenville, Tx
Enjoyed the Bible Study and message this morning> all have been good, but this morning's affected me in the importance of placing God firsta nd getting rid of "idols" in my life. This afternoon, at teh park was quite. I did talk with an older couple for awhile and enjoyed our conversation. Although they were uncomfortable talking about faith. I think all are letting the tiredness affect our "M" today. It has been a rewarding experience and I appreciate all the "Ms" and JSI's commitments
MF, League City Tx
Well today was sad b/c it was teh last day at the park and no one was there really. I mostly just prayed, read my bible and ate eis. It is 5:50 pm right now, in Germany and at 6:30 we're having a picnic at a different park, I'm excited. I just hope it doesn't start raining like it did earlier. On an a special shout out to my dad and L, I hope your wedding is awesome, I wish I could be there- Love M
JK, Idalou, Tx
Today I talked to a guy about Jesus, well actually a few but one was interested and we talked awhile. Then J came over to explain some questions they got offtoprz and that maight have been the difference. Therefore- Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things- Colossians 3:2
DC, Blanco, Tx
Today I spoke for a long time with a nice man on a bench who was waiting for his friends to play frisbee but I didn't share my faith with him though. Pray generally for everyone
BB Portland, Tx
I didn't talk to anyone today, but mostly spent the day in prayer and reading the Bible. I prayed a lot for everyone that I knew was talking to people and about whether or not i'd come back next year. Please pray that we will all use what we've learned this week for the rest of our lives!
J.S. Commercer, Tx
I met J today. He is very sold on science and believes in a higher power, jut not God. He knows of Jesus; just not trusting in him. Pray that the long time can build relationship and that the gospel presented to him takes root.
CWM, Kyland, Tx
Just prayed today- tried to listen to God- I asked him to take some frustration away and asked him to speak to me, but I am having a hard time hearing him.
ER, Westfield, In
The day went quickly and for me it seemed pretty uneventful, but God was apparent in the park today. I saw many meaningful converstaions. Pray that God would work in the hearts of these people and all those we met earlier in the week. Pray that God grows the seeds that have been sown, and that more seeds will take root in the ground that has been plowed with prayer.
LD, Frankston, TX
Not many people were at the park today. The girl could not come... but tomorrow she is going to meet me in the city so we can hang out all day- pray that she continues to want to learn more about God and that she'll develop such a passion for God that it will effect everyone she comes into contact with.