Thursday, July 28, 2005
God has taught me just to trust in Him; and to let His will be done-- not ours. It was an awesome experience but it was too quick. I really feel God has taught me a lot this trip to Germany. Hi and bye mom. Love ya.
WB, Baytown, Tx
Today was the best. We finally got someone that spke English to play soccer. We built a good relationship with the players. Also with the ice cream man
B.D. Gail, Tx
Today we continued to build relationshiups with the eis man and ladies at the potato shop. I also had 2 conversations with a lady and a guy who worked at Kaisers. I hope I can continue that relationship tomorrow. At the bathroom this guy looked like the guy we talked to yesterday so I asked him if it was him. He turned out to be someone else but we kept talking anyway. I came to find out he is a pastor of a young church and he's been praying for contact with American Christians so he can get training. Very exciting. I am planning on working extra hard to be a witness in my hometown and excite people with my passion for Jesus. I want to make disciples who make disciples.
SS, Dimmit, Tx
Today was our last official day at our site. The man from Africa and the grandmother didn't come today, but it rained this afternoon and chased everyone out of the park. I just did alot of plowing (praying) for those beautiful people. God has shown me just how important relationships are. I have a new perspective and a new passion to take what I've learned home.
AG, Albany, Tx
Today was our last day in the park, and I felt that we really impacted this park in a great way this week. There has been a group of kids I've been playing soccer with all week but none of them could speak english until today. Today they brought a friend that we spoke with.We found out that all of the kids went to the protestant church but was unable to share anymore because they had to leave. I feel like this week we did what the Missionary has been saying and brought them closer in someway to knowing the Lord.
JW, Nacogdoches, Tx
Today was a hard day. We were living life and trying to talk to people but it was not working very well. Some of my team members had the best day of the week. God taught me that it is just as good to rejoice in someone elses work and experiences. God has ruined my plans and has told me that I need to trust him about His work and how He will allow me to be a part of it.
J.F. San Angelo, Tx
Well God has taught me so much this week, but I know that the week is not over. When I get home I want to continue there what I have started here. I want and plan to go around the college campus of ASU and plow, sow and God willing reap and disciple others to want a relationship with God. God willing I want to go on missions next year and I have surrendered that wherever the Lord leads me I will go. THank you to all who have helped me
K.D. Llano, Tx
I hope to be able to explain the importance of missions when I get home. I have learned throughout the week that everything is in God's timing; not ours.
JE, Buffalo, Tx
As far as what I'm doing next summer or with the rest of my life I have no idea where I'm going. My next mission is my town, friends and family, and all the unreached. I have been called to Buffalo, Texas and my highschool to disciple all. I don't have to fly 11 hours to be a missionary, our mission field is where we stand. My PR is that anyone who reads this takes this same mentality.
I'm out
I'm out