Sunday, July 23, 2006
Today we prayer walked all over the park. For those who are praying for me ask for boldness, strength, guidance and passion. Love all yous guys back in Blanco.
BB- Portland TX
Today was a really cool day! We pretty much prayer walked all day. It really opened my mind to so many different things and people that I could pray for. One big thing I noticed a lot is that there seemed to be a lot of "gothic" people around and I really prayed that God would bring people into their lives that could tell them about God's love. Pray that God would interven.
ER Westfield IN
Today has been great! We spent the day with the Father covering the city with prayer. I cannot wait for the answers to those prayers to become evident as teh week progress.
MF- League City TX
Today was awesome. We went and prayer walked at the park from 12 to 6. We also met some German people. They are very friendly once you meet them.
CWM Kingsland TX
Today was awesome. We pr-walked through the park that we will be working in. God is definately working here already. I can't wait to see what happens. Pray that He sends me a new friend to contact.
Today I had worship and quiet time then after lunch went to park where we prayer walked. A beautiful park setting comparable to central park and being outside. Through prayer walking God reveal how many people different ages, ethnic groups etc. need to know God's grace. I pray for God's work to be fruitful.
JS Commerce
I feel better today. A good night sleep makes a world of difference. We prayer walked for hours today and really enjoyed it. We met a man named F today while in the park. Pray that we make more connections like this.
LD Frankston TX
Today we went to a park and did a lot of prayer walking. It was so cool to see the many different types of people. Pray that God gives me the eyes to see the connections he wants made in this week.
Hello family (in christ and blood family well immediate family) Check my facebook status, I made my status for 20 cents today. Today J said something that I took to heart, hate the game love the sinner. Continue to pray. love yall.
APL Plainview TX
Day 2 in Germany! It was really weird eating the breakfast food. It was different. They had a big bun you put butter and jelly on. I never eat anything like that because I am not a jelly person. Lunch was okward too because they have baked potatoes and they don't eat it with butter. We were also prayer walking and stuff like that. As we were prayer walking it was so weird cause they dress sooo much different then we do. From gothics to cowgirls! I am excited to see what God's going to do tomorrow.