Sunday, July 24, 2005

Silver Rocks!

AG, Albany Tx

Hey what's up?

I really liked what my TL wrote to me in a note. "Christ has placed you in this arena. Are you ready to play? Obviously, God thins you are.. Are you willing to be stretched and step out of your comfort zone?" This is really cool, because I like sports, so it was in my language!

WB, Baytown Tx

Hey everyone. We went prayer walking in a park and rabbits and birds were everywhere. It was fun until it started raining. We got soaked and got to ride on a bunch of trains.

JH, Christoval, Tx

Today we went prayer walking. It was pretty cool. It made you notice the things you usually dont' notice. Mom, check your email tonight, I am going to try to get on the internet.


K.D. Llano, Tx

Today we went to our sites, and prayed for the city, park, etc. It was a real pretty park... Germany is great! I love it. Everything is so relaxed here. The city has so many people but it is not rushed like New York. The ice cream or "eis" is really good too!

JF, San Angelo, Tx

Hey, Today was our first real day out. We went prayer walking and it was great. After about two hours it started raining and it was great! God is really working here and I know that he is going to do great and powerful things. Continue praying for us and we will see you all soon

JE, Buffalo, Tx

Today we prayer walked for four and a half hours we were walking around the area where we would be working. I am happy that we got the area we did because before I came I prayed to be able to work with children- and we are at a park. Prayer Walking is really an awesome thing... you pray for things you never would have thought about. It started raining so we went to the train station, and had a small bible study. Then we went and ate pizza and then got some spaghetti ice cream. Tomorrow we get to start meeting people so pray for the people that we come in contact with. I miss all of you and I'm having a great time!

B.D., Gail, Tx

Hey everyone! I feel so much better today! See, the jet lag itself was bad enough, but we couldn't have caffeine either! We had to drink water all day! I never drink just plain water, so that was tough. I was facing Coffee and Dr. Pepper withdrawal. This morning we ate an awesome German breakfast and I had a HUGE cup of coffee with it. We had an amazing quiet time and worship this morning. God really spoke to me multiple times through Acts 2. Read it sometime. Acts 2: 43-47 is an exact description of how the church is supposed to be. Then when you read that description, underline all the verbs and that says it all about how the church is supposed to be in order for more to be added to your number. Then notice what verb is used the most, and you'll see that is what makes Christians different. We then prayer walked around Koeln, mainly in the park. So awesome. The Holy Spirit guided our eyes, ears and hearts. I got to speak to three people in all. JE and I were prayer walking and met two Dutch girls. They were biking to practice for an upcoming championship. We asked them how we could pray for them and they said to pray they do well. I could see interest ni one of the girl's eyes when we mentioned prayer. She's hungry for Jesus. My prayer is that when they do well in their competition, they'll remember us.

SS, Dimmitt, Tx

Praise God for a great night of sleep! Our hostel is very nice and the meals are good.

We learned and practiced "plowing" today. That is just prayer walking. We have an area of the city that has a really large park, and several apartments, a nursing home and a mall. We didn't really talk to anyone today, but plowing was amazing. God gave us so much to pray about as we walked around and gave us direction about tomorrow.

Thank you for your prayers!

Love ya!

JW, Nacogdoches, Tx

Today we prayer walked at our site. (a park) God is amazing! JE, my prayer partner, and I prayed that someone would cross the brige and come to our site. Then, JE prayed for a man crossing the bridge. We went back to the park and he was there. I hope God brings him back, so our team can talk to him

CO, Plains, Tx

Today we prayer walked in the park. It was fun. We got rained on during the time while we were there. We "retreated" to the train station to wait for it to clear. I learned a bit of German. Mom I am eating new food and don't worry! Miss and love you.